Academic Achievement
Greenway Modern School has earned itself a coveted reputation because of its high academic standard because of its diligently planned education milieu and competent and caring staff.
For last many years, Greenway Modern School has been the nurturing soil for quality education where efficient methods for teaching, learning pedagogy are implemented; giving impetus to high thinking order skills among the learners as it is the need of hour. The teachers produce research based analytical prescriptive solutions and or learning opportunities to created global class room environment.
Year after year, Greenway Modern School has highest percentage of successful board result thus stamping the supremacy of the institution. And every year meritorious Greenwanians have been receiving the honour of being 0.1% top scorers of C.B.S.E. Deepanjali Itkan who broke the 20 years record of getting 100 out of 100 in English is the school prodigy. The school has produced many an achievers in NSE, Olympiads, and Cyber tests under the able guidance of experienced faculty which can be counted as the result of meticulous school strategies related to academics which focus on direct practical implication; a continuous and comprehensive evaluation system; a strong positive reinforcement system, healthy channels of communication and interaction between the teachers and parents and individual attention policy. The Summative Assessment System includes regular test, unit tests, and formative assessment. Parents are a part of this system through P2C (Parent to Children) computer network where they can updated the academic progress, homework, their child performance and interact directly to the management.
In all we claim to possess and implement the best learning strategies to promote learning enhancing the academic potential of achievers and helping the under achievers to focus in right direction for our aim is to help our learners live a life rich in discovery, satisfying in achievement and developing capacity to learn with diligently planned and envisaged curriculum we ensure that our pupil not only learn to read but develop love for reading, not only can manipulate numbers but be fascinated by them and that they are filled with zeal to explore, discover, infer deduce; nurture their skills and talents and ‘savour’ the complete process of learning. For taking learning beyond textbooks to providing quality education; our focus remains on improving student learning and achievement quotient sustaining continuous improvement efforts.
For Class X Board Results :- Click Here
For Class XII Board Result :- Click Here