Home Work

Date From
Date To

22 Oct, 2024I-A Hindi

अ  से ओ तक मात्राओं के दो -दो शब्द लिखो।

22 Oct, 2024I-A Mathematics

Do practice of Chapter- 6

22 Oct, 2024I-A E.V.S.

Read twice loudly Chapter - 8  Good Manners

22 Oct, 2024I-B Mathematics

Do practice of Chapter- 6 for chapter test on Saturday (26.10.2024)

22 Oct, 2024I-B English Grammar

Revise Chapter- 11 Is, Am, Are from the book and notebook 

22 Oct, 2024I-C English

Dictation test of Chapter - 8 tomorrow 

22 Oct, 2024I-C Hindi

ओ और औ की मात्रा के ५-५ चित्र कॉपी में चिपकाओ।   

22 Oct, 2024I-C Mathematics

Do pages 100 and 101  in the book 

22 Oct, 2024I-D Mathematics

Do the practice of Addition and Subtraction sums 

22 Oct, 2024I-D E.V.S.

Read Chapter- 12

22 Oct, 2024I-E Hindi

मात्राओं का अभ्यास करो।  रोज दो वाकया लिखो।  

22 Oct, 2024I-E E.V.S.

Prepare for tomorrows test 

22 Oct, 2024II-A Mathematics

Revise the Classwork 

22 Oct, 2024II-A E.V.S.

Revise the classwork 

22 Oct, 2024II-B Mathematics

Revise the Classwork 

22 Oct, 2024II-B E.V.S.

Revise the classwork 

22 Oct, 2024II-C English

Dictation of Chapter- 7 tomorrow 

22 Oct, 2024II-C Mathematics

Test of Chapter- 4 on Thursday 

22 Oct, 2024II-D English

Revise use of A/An (page no. 78)

22 Oct, 2024II-D E.V.S.

Revise the classwork 

22 Oct, 2024II-E English

Revise use of A/An (page no. 78)

22 Oct, 2024II-E E.V.S.

Revise the classwork 

22 Oct, 2024III-A Mathematics

Practice Chapter- 5

22 Oct, 2024III-A English Grammar

Bring your Grammar book on Thursday 

22 Oct, 2024III-A Hindi Grammar

पृष्ठ - ४७ प्रश्न २ और ३ किताब में करो।

22 Oct, 2024III-B Activity

Bring a chart related to Diwali 

22 Oct, 2024III-B Hindi Grammar

विलोम शब्द और अनेक शब्दों के लिए एक शब्द पूर्ण करो।  

22 Oct, 2024III-D Mathematics

Practice Ex 5.6

22 Oct, 2024III-D Hindi Grammar

गिनती २६ से ३५ तक कॉपी में करें। 

22 Oct, 2024III-E Mathematics

Practice Ex 5.6

22 Oct, 2024IV-A English

Dictation of Chapter- 9 on 24.10.2024

22 Oct, 2024IV-A Mathematics

Complete the classwork 

22 Oct, 2024IV-C Mathematics

Complete the classwork 

22 Oct, 2024V-C Hindi

कल निकुंज के किताब और कॉपी लानी है।

22 Oct, 2024V-D Mathematics

Practice Ex 11.1 and Ex 11.2

22 Oct, 2024V-D Science

Read Stem and  Leaf from Chapter- 23

22 Oct, 2024VI-A Hindi

Complete your work 

22 Oct, 2024VI-A Science

Bring the notebook 

22 Oct, 2024VI-A Social Science

Bring SPL book 

22 Oct, 2024VI-A Activity

Kindly bring an A 4 size sheet with colours tomorrow to do an activity on World Mental Health Day in the zero period 

22 Oct, 2024VI-B English

Bring your notes notebook 

22 Oct, 2024VI-B Hindi

Complete Q/Ans  of Chapter- 10 of Nikunj

22 Oct, 2024VI-B Sanskrit

Complete the classwork 

22 Oct, 2024VI-B Mathematics

Practice Chapter- 6

22 Oct, 2024VI-B Computer

Do practice of Pencil 2 D

22 Oct, 2024VI-B Science

Read Chapter- 10 and test of Chapter- 4

22 Oct, 2024VI-B Social Science

Read Chapter- 6  Rural Administration of SPL 

22 Oct, 2024VI-C English

Bring notes notebook 

22 Oct, 2024VI-C Hindi

कार्य पूर्ण करो।  

22 Oct, 2024VI-C Sanskrit

किम के शब्दरूप याद करो कक्षा परीक्षा के  लिए। 

22 Oct, 2024VI-C Mathematics

Prepare Chapter- 6 Integers for the test 

22 Oct, 2024VI-C Science

Complete the Q/Ans and bring Main notebook 

22 Oct, 2024VI-C Social Science

Read Chapter- 5 of SPL 

22 Oct, 2024VI-C Music

Write the song ' I am on top of the world ' in the notebook 

22 Oct, 2024VI-D English

Do the book exercise of Grammar Chapter- 18

22 Oct, 2024VI-D Hindi

Do the Q/Ans of  Chapter- 10 

22 Oct, 2024VI-D Computer

Do the Q/Ans 

22 Oct, 2024VI-D Science

Learn Chapter- 4 for test on 28.10.2024. Bring Notebook -  2 for test and  complete Chapter- 4 work . Bring notebook tomorrow for checking 

22 Oct, 2024VI-D Social Science

Bring the History and SPL book tomorrow 

22 Oct, 2024VI-D Activity

Kindly bring an A 4 size sheet with colours tomorrow to do an activity on World Mental Health Day in the zero period 

22 Oct, 2024VI-D P.D.Conversation

Read and article paste it in the notebook and elaborate 

22 Oct, 2024VI-E Hindi

पाठ - १० निकुंज के प्रश्न उत्तर कार्य पूर्ण करो। 

22 Oct, 2024VI-E Mathematics

Prepare Chapter- 6 Integers for the test tomorrow 

22 Oct, 2024VI-E Science

Test of Chapter- 4 on 28.10.2024 

22 Oct, 2024VI-E Social Science

Bring SPL and History book tomorrow 

22 Oct, 2024VI-E Art & Craft

Complete your work and bring the activity by tomorrow 

22 Oct, 2024VII-A English

Read Chapter-11 of Grammar and bring notebook for checking 

22 Oct, 2024VII-A Hindi

Complete the Q/Ans  of Chapter 13 of Grammar 

22 Oct, 2024VII-A Mathematics

Do Q 9 of Ex 7.2

22 Oct, 2024VII-A Computer

Complete the Q/Ans  of Chapter- 4 Internet 

22 Oct, 2024VII-A Science

Complete Chapter- 11 and bring the notebook for checking 

22 Oct, 2024VII-A Hindi Grammar

हिंदी गतिविधि कार्य - पौराणिक वैद्य , गणितज्ञ तथा वैज्ञानिकों व् उनकी उपलब्धियों  को आधार बनाकर चित्र सहित एक विवरण पुस्तिका का निर्माण  करें। 

22 Oct, 2024VII-A Art & Craft

Complete the classwork 

22 Oct, 2024VII-B Hindi

कक्षा  कार्य पूर्ण करें ।

22 Oct, 2024VII-B Mathematics

Revise the Classwork 

22 Oct, 2024VII-B Science

Bring Notebook - 1

22 Oct, 2024VII-B Social Science

Read the Lesson 

22 Oct, 2024VII-B English Grammar

Do Ex B and C of Chapter- 11 of Grammar 

22 Oct, 2024VII-C English

Bring the Literature book 

22 Oct, 2024VII-C Hindi

Bring Nikunj book and notebook and make the cover page of Chapter- 10

22 Oct, 2024VII-C Computer

Bring book and notebook on Saturday and Read Chapter- 4

22 Oct, 2024VII-C Science

Read lesson - 11 for doubt session tomorrow and bring the Q/Ans notebook 

22 Oct, 2024VII-C Social Science

Revise Chapter- 4 Air (Geography) for the test on Friday or Saturday 

22 Oct, 2024VII-C Hindi Grammar

हिंदी गतिविधि कार्य - पौराणिक वैद्य , गणितज्ञ तथा वैज्ञानिकों व् उनकी उपलब्धियों  को आधार बनाकर चित्र सहित एक विवरण पुस्तिका का निर्माण  करें। 

22 Oct, 2024VII-D Hindi

Complete the notebook work and bring it for checking tomorrow 

22 Oct, 2024VII-D Sanskrit

पाठ - ९ के  कार्य पूर्ण करें । 

22 Oct, 2024VII-D Mathematics

Bring the Geometry notebook  for chapter- 3 and submit Chapter- 7 for checking 

22 Oct, 2024VII-D Science

Read and Revise the notebook work 

22 Oct, 2024VII-D Social Science

Bring both SPL and History books

22 Oct, 2024VII-D English Grammar

Read Chapter- 11 of Grammar 

22 Oct, 2024VII-E English

Bring the Literature book and notebook 

22 Oct, 2024VII-E Hindi

Complete your work and bring for  checking 

22 Oct, 2024VII-E Sanskrit

पाठ - ९ कार्य पूर्ण करो।  पर्याय तथा विपर्याय याद करें कक्षा परीक्षा के लिए। 

22 Oct, 2024VII-E Mathematics

Do Q 9 of Ex 7.2 in the notebook 

22 Oct, 2024VII-E Science

Complete the Q/Ans 

22 Oct, 2024VII-F Korean

Do page no. 96 in the notebook 

22 Oct, 2024VII-F Science

Read lesson - 11 for doubt session 

22 Oct, 2024VII-F Hindi Grammar

अनेकार्थी और अनेक शब्दों के लिए एक शब्द लिखो।

22 Oct, 2024VIII-A English

Bring the literature book

22 Oct, 2024VIII-A Hindi

अनेकार्थी  और भिन्नार्थक शब्दों के २० - २० शब्द कॉपी में लिखें 

22 Oct, 2024VIII-A Mathematics

Do Ex 13.1 write down the answers of Q 1, 2, 3, 4 6 and 7 in the notebook and bring Graphs tomorrow 

22 Oct, 2024VIII-A Social Science

Test of Geography Chapter- 4 on Friday 

22 Oct, 2024VIII-B English

Bring Literature book 

22 Oct, 2024VIII-B Hindi

Complete your work 

22 Oct, 2024VIII-B Sanskrit

Complete the work of Chapter- 10 and bring the sanskrit notebook 

22 Oct, 2024VIII-B Mathematics

Bring the graph copy and learn chapter- 7 for the test 

22 Oct, 2024VIII-B Computer

Bring 4 Math Box pin pages 

22 Oct, 2024VIII-B Science

Read Chapter- 11

22 Oct, 2024VIII-B Social Science

Learn Glossary 

22 Oct, 2024VIII-B P.D.Conversation

Write a presentation on ' Why time management is important'

22 Oct, 2024VIII-C English

Bring both Grammar and Images book tomorrow 

22 Oct, 2024VIII-C Computer

Bring  four Math Pin Page (Square box)

22 Oct, 2024VIII-C Science

Make diagrams and bring the book and notebook 

22 Oct, 2024VIII-C Social Science

Learn Glossary words of Chapter- 6 of History 

22 Oct, 2024VIII-D Hindi

अनुछेद लेखन ' मेरे सपनों का भारत ' करें।  व्याकरण किताब लाए

22 Oct, 2024VIII-D Mathematics Standard

Bring History book and Learn  Geography Chapter- 4 for the test on Saturday 

22 Oct, 2024VIII-D Computer

Bring four Math Pin pages (Square)

22 Oct, 2024VIII-E English

Do exercise D and E

22 Oct, 2024VIII-E Sanskrit

पाठ - ९ याद करो।  

22 Oct, 2024VIII-E Computer

Bring  4 pin pages of Mathematic Notebook (Box type)

22 Oct, 2024VIII-F Hindi

Bring Grammar book and revise  Chapter- 9 of Nikunj for the test on 24.10.2024

22 Oct, 2024VIII-F Korean

Do Listening practice 

22 Oct, 2024VIII-F Mathematics

Bring notebook and Graph notebook tomorrow. Revise Chapter- 7

22 Oct, 2024VIII-F Computer

Bring 4 pin pages of Square sheet, scissors, colours and glue 

22 Oct, 2024VIII-F Hindi Grammar

विशेषण का कार्य पूर्ण कीजिए।

22 Oct, 2024IX-A English

Complete Chapter- 7

22 Oct, 2024IX-A Mathematics

Revise Chapter- 2

22 Oct, 2024IX-A Science

Complete the classwork 

22 Oct, 2024IX-B Science

Do Intext Q/Ans 

22 Oct, 2024IX-B Activity

Diya or Lantern making : Materials used should be eco friendly. Diva should not exceed 6 inchess. Lantern should be about 12 inchers. Bring the required materials on 29th October 2024

22 Oct, 2024IX-C English

Do the answers of discussed questions 

22 Oct, 2024IX-C Hindi

Complete today's classwork 

22 Oct, 2024IX-C Science

Complete Q/ans  of Lesson 9 ( Gravitation) Also do chapter exercises 

22 Oct, 2024IX-C Social Science

Bring the geography book tomorrow.. Complete Chapter- 3 of Economics. Tomorrow is the last day for submitting registerss. Learn Glossay words of Geography Chapter- 4

22 Oct, 2024IX-D English

Bring Moments 

22 Oct, 2024IX-D Hindi

शब्दार्थ याद कीजिए। 

22 Oct, 2024IX-D Mathematics

Practice the Classwork

22 Oct, 2024IX-D Science

Read the chapter and complete question & Answers of Chapter- 9

22 Oct, 2024IX-D Social Science

Learn the Glossary of  Geography Chapter- 4

22 Oct, 2024IX-E English

Bring Moments book 

22 Oct, 2024IX-E Hindi

कार्य पूर्ण करें।

22 Oct, 2024IX-E Mathematics

Revise Chapter- 2

22 Oct, 2024IX-E Science

Practice Numericals 

22 Oct, 2024IX-E Social Science

Learn the Glossary words of Chapter- 4 of Geography

22 Oct, 2024IX-F English

Complete the work of Chapter- 7

22 Oct, 2024IX-F Hindi

Complete the work of Chapter- 4 in the register  and bring it for checking tomorrow 

22 Oct, 2024IX-F Science

Complete the classwork 

22 Oct, 2024X-A Mathematics

Complete the classwork 

22 Oct, 2024X-A Science

Complete Chapter- 7 and bring register for checking 

22 Oct, 2024X-A Social Science

Complete the Q/Ans of  Chapter- 5 History 

22 Oct, 2024X-D Hindi

Complete Chapter  - 5 of Sparsh and read Chapter- 12

22 Oct, 2024X-D Mathematics

Complete  Chapter 10, 11 and 14 for checking on Thursday 

21 Oct, 2024I-A English

Dictation of difficult words  of Chapter- 8 tomorrow. Learn for it 

21 Oct, 2024I-A Mathematics

Revise Chapter - 6 for revision 

21 Oct, 2024I-A E.V.S.

Read Chapter- 8  from the book 

21 Oct, 2024I-B English

Revise classwork from the notebook (Creative Writing)

21 Oct, 2024I-B Hindi

Read page no. 61 and 62

21 Oct, 2024I-B Mathematics

Practice page no. 90 and 91

21 Oct, 2024I-B Art & Craft

Do page no. 18 in the book 

21 Oct, 2024I-C English

Dictation of Chapter - 8 on Wedesday 

21 Oct, 2024I-C Hindi

मात्रा की यात्रा की तैयारी करो।

21 Oct, 2024I-C Mathematics

Revise Chapter - 6

21 Oct, 2024I-C Art & Craft

Do page no. 18 in the book 

21 Oct, 2024I-D Hindi

आ  से ओ तक के मात्राओं का श्रुतलेख बुधवार को होगी । 

21 Oct, 2024I-D Mathematics

Learn tables 2 to 5

21 Oct, 2024I-E Hindi

औ  की मात्रा के ५ चित्र चिपकाओ। 

21 Oct, 2024I-E Mathematics

Do 5 sums of Subtraction 

21 Oct, 2024I-E E.V.S.

Full syllabus test on Wednesday 

21 Oct, 2024II-A English

Read Chaper- 9 of Course Book 

21 Oct, 2024II-A Hindi

Read Chaper- 9 of Course Book 

21 Oct, 2024II-B English

Learn the difficult words  of Chapter- 9 for the dictation tomorrow 

21 Oct, 2024II-B Mathematics

Do page 121 in the book 

21 Oct, 2024II-C Mathematics

Practice Chapter- 4 Word Problems

21 Oct, 2024II-C E.V.S.

Do Q 3 on page 76 in the book 

21 Oct, 2024II-D Hindi

Revise the Classwork 

21 Oct, 2024II-D G.K.

Revise Chapter- 27 and 28

21 Oct, 2024II-E English

Read Chapter 8 of Course Book 

21 Oct, 2024II-E Mathematics

Practice Chapter 4  Word Problems 

21 Oct, 2024III-A English

Draw an introductory page and  write the blue words 

21 Oct, 2024III-B English

Read pages 95 and 96 and complete ' B " part on page 98

21 Oct, 2024III-B Hindi

पाठ - ८ का श्रुतलेख होगा। 

21 Oct, 2024III-B Mathematics

Practice Ex 5.5

21 Oct, 2024III-B E.V.S.

Tomorrow is the last day for submitting Activity of ID card

21 Oct, 2024III-C English

Revise the Classwork 

21 Oct, 2024III-C Mathematics

Practice Ex 5.6 and Ex 5.7

21 Oct, 2024III-D Mathematics

Practice Ex 5.6

21 Oct, 2024III-D E.V.S.

Make a model of any one tool used by an early man 

21 Oct, 2024III-E English

Revise the Classwork 

21 Oct, 2024III-E Hindi

पाठ - ८ का श्रुतलेख परीक्षा होगी ।  

21 Oct, 2024III-E Mathematics

Practice Ex 5.6

21 Oct, 2024III-E E.V.S.

Bring A 3 chart on Diwali / Bhai Dooj and cut out of Diyas 

21 Oct, 2024IV-A Mathematics

Do practice of classwork 

21 Oct, 2024IV-A E.V.S.

Read Chapter- 17 (Page 116 and 117) form questions in the rough notebook 

21 Oct, 2024IV-C English

Read Chapter- 9 and complete difficult words 

21 Oct, 2024IV-C Hindi

पाठ - ८ के कठिन शब्दों का लिखकर अभ्यास करो।  

21 Oct, 2024IV-C Mathematics

Do practice the classwork 

21 Oct, 2024IV-C G.K.

Draw the National Flower of India  in the G.K. notebook 

21 Oct, 2024IV-D English

Read Lesson - 9 and complete difficult words 

21 Oct, 2024IV-D Mathematics

Practice Chapter- 7 for test 

21 Oct, 2024IV-E Mathematics

Revise Chapter- 7 for the test 

21 Oct, 2024IV-E G.K.

Draw / Paste  any 2 pictures of Chapter- 33 (Deadly Sea Animals). Learn Chapter- 30 and 31

21 Oct, 2024IV-E English Grammar

Read pages 110 and 111  and complete page 112 of Grammar book 

21 Oct, 2024V-D Science

Submit your complete work  and bring notebook for checking on 22.10.2024

21 Oct, 2024V-D Hindi Grammar

Do the Q/Ans of Chapter- 12

21 Oct, 2024VI-A Mathematics

Revise integets rules and do Question 4 d and c parts. Complete your work for checking tomorrow 

21 Oct, 2024VI-A Science

Complete your work and bring the notebook 

21 Oct, 2024VI-A Social Science

Bring History and SPL book 

21 Oct, 2024VI-B English

Do the exercise of Chapter- 17

21 Oct, 2024VI-B Hindi

पाठ  - १० के प्रश्न उत्तर पूर्ण करो। 

21 Oct, 2024VI-B Sanskrit

पाठ  - १० के कार्य  पूर्ण करो। 

21 Oct, 2024VI-B Mathematics

Do practice of Chapter- 6

21 Oct, 2024VI-B Science

Complete notebook and submit for checking and test of Chapter- 4 on 23.10.1024

21 Oct, 2024VI-B Social Science

Bring SPL Book on Tuesday. Test of Geography on Saturday 

21 Oct, 2024VI-C English

Complete Exercise of Chapter - 17 of Grammar and prepare for  JAM activity 

21 Oct, 2024VI-C Sanskrit

पाठ  - ९  के अभ्यास कार्य  पूर्ण करो।  

21 Oct, 2024VI-C Social Science

SST Syllabus - Geography Chapter 4,  SPl Chapter  5 and History Chapter 6. Bring SPL book and notebook for checking 

21 Oct, 2024VI-D Mathematics

Revise Chapter 6: Integers , the rules of integers for the black board test tomorrow 

21 Oct, 2024VI-D Social Science

Complete Q/Ans of SPL Chapter- 5

21 Oct, 2024VI-E English

Read Chapter- 18 and bring notes notebook 

21 Oct, 2024VI-E Hindi

निकुंज पुस्तक व कॉपी लाए। पाठ का पृष्ठ परिचय बनाओ।  

21 Oct, 2024VI-E Korean

Revise the Classwork 

21 Oct, 2024VI-E Social Science

Complete your Notebook work and bring the History Book 

21 Oct, 2024IX-A English

Complete your classwork and paste the article on the notebook 

21 Oct, 2024IX-A Mathematics

Complete the classwork 

21 Oct, 2024IX-A Social Science

Complete the classwork 

21 Oct, 2024IX-A Artificial Intelligence

Complete the back exercises of Chapter  - 1 (Part A)

21 Oct, 2024IX-B English

Complete Chapter- My Childhood

21 Oct, 2024IX-B Hindi

पाठ - ४     कार्य पूर्ण करो।

21 Oct, 2024IX-B Science

Complete your work 

21 Oct, 2024IX-B Social Science

Bring Economcis 

21 Oct, 2024IX-C English

Complete the Q/ans  of discussed questions

21 Oct, 2024IX-C Computer

Complete work of Lesson 3 in Registers. Also read page no. 43 and 44

21 Oct, 2024IX-C Science

Complete the Q/Ans of  Lesson - 9

21 Oct, 2024IX-C Social Science

Complete Q/Ans  of Economics Lesson - 3

21 Oct, 2024IX-D Hindi

कार्य पूर्ण कीजिए। 

21 Oct, 2024IX-D Mathematics

Revise the Classwork 

21 Oct, 2024IX-D Science

Complete the Q&Ans

21 Oct, 2024IX-D Social Science

Complete Q/Ans of Economics Chapter 3  till Q 21. Bring Geography book 

21 Oct, 2024IX-E Mathematics

Complete the classwork 

21 Oct, 2024IX-E Science

Complete your work 

21 Oct, 2024IX-E Social Science

Complete Q/Ans of Economics Chapter- 3 for checking and bring Geogaphy book tomorrow 

21 Oct, 2024X-A English

Read Chapter- 4 and complete Ball Poem in the register 

21 Oct, 2024X-A Hindi

Read Chapter- 4 of Sparsh and bring Chapter Toph for  checking 

21 Oct, 2024X-A Mathematics

Complete the classwork 

21 Oct, 2024X-C English

Complete the Q/Ans of Ball Poem

21 Oct, 2024X-C Mathematics

Complete Chapters 10, 11 and 14 and submit on Friday 

21 Oct, 2024X-C Science

Complete the Q/Ans  of Chapter- 12 and submit on Thursday 

21 Oct, 2024X-D English

Read Chapter- 7 of First Flight 

21 Oct, 2024X-D Hindi

पाठ - तोप  का कार्य पूर्ण करो।  

21 Oct, 2024X-D Mathematics

Complete the works of Chapters 9, 10, 11 and 12 for checking tomorrow 

21 Oct, 2024X-D Science

Complete the extra questions given in Chapter- 7 in the notebook 

21 Oct, 2024X-D Social Science

Complete the Q/Ans  of History  Chapter- 5

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